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The State of California provides services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities. These disabilities include intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, and related conditions. Services are provided through state-operated developmental centers and community facilities, and contracts with 21 nonprofit regional centers. The regional centers serve as a local resource to help find and access the services and supports available to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
Reference: DDS Website
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is established by state and federal law as an independent state agency to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need.
Reference: SCDD Website
Regional Centers are 21 nonprofit private corporations that contract with DDS to provide or coordinate services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. They have offices throughout California to provide a local resource to help find and access the many services available to individuals and their families.
An Individual Program Plan (IPP) is an action plan that outlines the assistance needed for the Regional Center client to live the way they want to. It identifies goals, services, and supports to help the client become more independent and participate in the community.Add an answer to this item.
A Person Centered Plan (PCP) is a comprehensive, open-ended process that culminates in a document informing the IPP during the Self-Determination process. It focuses on the individual's strengths, preferences, and goals.Add an answer to this item.
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Self-Determination is a voluntary service delivery system offered by the California Regional Center system to most individuals served by Regional Centers as of July 2021. It allows participants more control over selecting services and supports.
Reference: California DDS Self-Determination Program
No, Self-Determination is voluntary. Traditional Regional Center Services remain available, and it is your choice which service delivery system to participate in.
As of July 2021, Self-Determination is open to most people served by Regional Centers. An individual is eligible if they are Lanterman Act eligible for ongoing services. This includes individuals 3 years and older, and some under 3 if already found eligible for ongoing services due to conditions like Down Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy.
Participants must live in the community and cannot be in a Skilled Nursing Facility, Intermediate Care Facility, or institution unless there's a plan to move them into the community within 90 days.
Self-Determination provides flexibility but is not unrestricted. Services must meet IPP goals, and generic resources must be used before Regional Center funding. Participants must use a vendored Financial Management Service provider, and attend a mandatory orientation.
Reference: Self-Determination Program Rules
Self-Determination is a choice, not a permanent commitment. Participants can try it and return to traditional services if it doesn’t work out, though there is a process and time period for switching.
The transition can take at least three to six months after completing the Person-Centered Plan, depending on individual circumstances and Regional Center processes. It may take longer if there are disagreements about services or waitlists for FMS agencies.Add an answer to this item.
Not necessarily. You can advocate for additional traditional services while going through the Self-Determination process. However, some services are only available through Self-Determination and cannot be accessed until you enter the program.
Most Self-Determination transitional services are paid for by the Regional Center, and there should be no out-of-pocket expenses for participants. Independent Facilitation services after transitioning are generally covered by the spending plan and Regional Center funding, with specific rates discussed during consultation.
Services are based on individual needs and discussed during the Person-Centered Planning and spending plan processes. The Regional Center is the “payer of last resort,” meaning all generic resources must be utilized before considering Regional Center funding.
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The Lanterman Act is a California law that ensures individuals with developmental disabilities have the right to services and supports needed to live more independently and productively. It mandates that individuals receive appropriate services and supports to help them achieve their goals.
Reference: Lanterman Act Overview
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. It ensures that individuals' health information is protected while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide high-quality health care.
Reference: HHS HIPAA Overview
The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places open to the general public. It aims to ensure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.
Reference: ADA Overview
Open Meeting Laws, also known as Sunshine Laws, are regulations that require certain proceedings of government agencies to be open and available to the public. These laws are designed to ensure transparency and accountability in government.
Reference: California Open Meeting Laws
LTSS refer to a range of services and supports needed by individuals who have functional limitations due to aging or disability. These services help individuals perform daily activities and can be provided in various settings, including homes, communities, or institutional settings.
Reference: LTSS Overview
The Olmstead Decision is a Supreme Court ruling that states individuals with disabilities have the right to live in the community rather than in institutions if appropriate services are available. This decision supports the integration mandate of the ADA, ensuring that people with disabilities receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.
Reference: Olmstead Overview
The HCBS Final Rule is a federal regulation that establishes requirements for settings where Medicaid-funded HCBS are provided. The rule aims to ensure that individuals receiving HCBS have full access to the benefits of community living and are offered services in integrated settings.
Reference: HCBS Final Rule
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An Independent Facilitator (IF) is trained to assist clients and families with various aspects of the Self-Determination process, including Person-Centered Planning, IPP meetings, advocacy, service finding, and management.
A Financial Management Service (FMS) is a required component for Self-Determination participants. The FMS manages funds, pays providers, and ensures compliance with tax and employment laws. The FMS manages payments so that Self-Determination participants do not have direct access to funds.
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) provide assistance to help individuals stay at home if they cannot care for themselves due to a disability. The county determines the number of hours of services provided.
No, Elevate Independent Facilitation is comprised of non-lawyer advocates. While they cannot guarantee representation without consultation, they can help determine if a case has legal merit. Elevate makes no guarantees about outcomes or specific services.
No, currently Elevate Independent Facilitation does not offer bilingual services, but can help you find another Independent Facilitator who will provide non-english facilitation services.
No, there is no charge for the initial consultation meeting for participants or family members interested in Self-Determination, nor for vendors or others seeking services like consultation or training. Please CONTACT US to schedule an free initial consultation.
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